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Nanotechnology Innovation Center of Kansas State

Sample Preparation Equipment

Ultramicrotome – Leica UC7

Leica UC7 ultramicrotome is a state of the art for sample preparation. Semithin and ultrathin sections from 50-1000 nm can be obtained from soft materials for TEM, SEM, AFM, SIMS, LM analysis.

NICKS EM facility has Diamond knives as well as Leica EMKMR2 glass knife maker along with glass strips to make disposable glass knives.

Sputter coater – Denton Desk II
sputter coater

The cold sputter coater Denton Desk II is used to prepare biological as well as soft material sample for SEM imaging. It gives uniform, fine grained 100 Å thin coating. Palladium (Pd) targets are available for sputter coating.

Dual viewing Light Microscope – Olympus CX41

Olympus CX41 dual viewing teaching light microscope has 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X and 100X objective lens system used to view survey section and select the interested tissue area ultrathin section by ultramicrotome. 

Critical Point Dryer  – SAMDRI 790 B 
Critical Point Dryer

Critical point drying is a precise and controlled dehydration method to preserve delicate three-dimensional morphology of biological samples without any liquid or solid embedding. The SAMDRI 790B contains a mechanical automatic pressure control system that can handle chamber pressure from 1200 to 1600 PSI and temperatures from 0°C to 42°C.